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My first goal in this program for parents and children is to broaden the concept of literacy. I stress that our lives are made out of stories and that understanding and handing on our stories strengthens us as individuals and as families.

Using examples from my own life, illustrated with photos of my family and my books, I show how my writing has grown from a family tree of stories. I also talk about growing up in a house full of books and music.

Then I discuss sharing stories from photographs, treasured objects, maps, recipes, letters, and many other items we all have in our homes.

If possible, I invite everyone to make a note on a post-it of a story they want to share later with their family. First comes the importance of simply telling the story. Later families may want to write or record the stories to preserve and share them more widely.

Using illustrations, I talk about writer's notebooks and the possibility of keeping a family notebook. Or writing inside puzzle boxes, board game boxes, in a car notebook, wherever the family makes memories.

My hope is to take writing off the page, which someone else reads and evaluates, and put it in the hands of families who do it as a way to enrich and share their lives.

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